Mathematical Design, Fall 2021
Course Content

Check back often for homework assignments, tutorials, and key topics covered each day.

"This is the plan, until it is no longer the plan"!
       Words to live by in the time of Corona.

Homework 0:
Before class on Wednesday, August 25:
  • Visit Flipgrid and record a 1-minute introductory video about yourself. Click on "Join with Microsoft" and use your Queens College Office 365 account email account to log in. Reminder: that will look something like
  • Go to our Campuswire Community. Sign up for an account and sign in using code 3868. In the Class Feed there is a post asking you to say hi and share a fun link. Please contribute.
  • Last, Create a CUNY account with Zoom so you can join our class session. The link is available on Campuswire and in the introductory email sent to your qmail account.
  • Get pumped to join us at 9:15am on Wednesday, August 25!
Wednesday, August 25
Today's class is online! (As with ALL first class sessions at Queens College.)
The class Zoom link is available on Campuswire.
In class:
  • Today we are setting the stage for a thought-provoking semester.
  • Discussion: What does it mean to be creative with mathematics?
  • Course Expectations & Syllabus Discussion
  • Breakout room discussion and exploration.
  • Discussion: What is a function?
Monday, August 30
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Class on Monday 8/30 and Wednesday 9/1 will both be online in the same Zoom Room as last week. Today's class is in person! To get to our classroom Rosenthal Library 227, enter the library, go down one flight of stairs, turn left and the classroom is right there on the left.
Make sure to give yourself extra time to get on campus, into the library, and to find our classroom so we can be ready to start at 10:45am.
Before class:
  • Make sure your Vaccination Information is confirmed in CUNYFirst and that you have your QCard so that you have access to campus!
  • Thoroughly read all pages of the course webpage. This should answer all the questions that you may have about the class.
  • Answer the First Day Survey so I can know better how to tailor the class.
  • Make sure you have created a Desmos account and joined our Desmos classroom. If you are running into difficulties, contact Prof. Hanusa by DM or email.
  • Complete the two Desmos activities in the Desmos classroom: "Introduction to Desmos" and "The (Awesome) Coordinate Plane Activity". Feel free to work with another classmate if you are running into trouble or ask a question in our Campuswire community.
  • Go to our Campuswire community. Answer the Office Hours Poll and contribute to the Daily Question for August 30.
In class:
  • Get to know each other in person!
  • Types of functions and their properties.
  • "Parent Functions"
  • Desmos Polygraph
Function Transformations
Wednesday, September 1
Before class:
  • Complete the following two activities at Click "Graphing Calculator" to open an empty Desmos worksheet. (Make sure you are signed in to be able to save your work!)
    1. Be creative with parent functions. Choose at least five parent functions to explore. Type them into your Desmos worksheet and introduce sliders for coefficients, powers, whatever you can think to add. Move the sliders until the functions are interesting to you.
    2. Make functions that have certain properties. Open a new Desmos worksheet. Given the experience you gained from Part 1 and the discussion of parent function properties from class, try to create a collection of functions whose graphs have the following properties. Feel free to be as creative as possible.
      1. A line that looks almost vertical.
      2. A curve that has waves like the ocean.
      3. A curve with exactly four bumps.
      4. Steps going downward.
      5. A curve with a sharp corner.
  • Share your favorite functions to our Campuswire community as the answer to the Daily Question for September 1. To do this, type in the following:


    where you get the special Desmos link by clicking the "Share" icon at the top of the screen. Explain in a few sentences what about your example you liked.
In class:
  • Function Transformations
  • Changes to the x are Horizontal Tranformations
  • Changes to the y are Vertical Tranformations
  • Transformation Examples Desmos Worksheet.
  • Plan to meet with another classmate to work together before Monday 9/13. Don't leave the homework for the last minute!
No class on Monday, September 6 or Wednesday, September 8.
If you are eligible and you haven't yet done so: Register to Vote!
Monday, September 13
Class on Monday 9/13 will be online in the same Zoom Room as before.
Before class:
  • Read the details about Project 1 carefully and completely
  • Meet for one hour outside of classtime with at least one other classmate. Your goal is to get together to talk about function transformations, working together to complete Desmos tutorials or answer some of the questions below. You may decide to work to catch up on what you've missed this semester and formulate questions if you have any about the topics we are studying. You may even want to discuss what you are thinking about for Project 1. Feel free to use the DM or class chatroom feature on Campuswire to find a partner (or partners) to work with.
    Type up one paragraph (5–7 sentences) about something that you learned or experienced that you would not have if you had worked alone. Submit your paragraph and the name of the person you met with and it will count toward your score for Standard 1.
  • Complete the following activities to learn about function transformations and get practice working with them. In class you will be working on more complex examples so make sure you understand these basics well.
    • Watch this video about applying transformations to parent functions. (7 min 51 sec) The transformations are applied to parabolas.
    • Optional: If you would like some more examples of how transformations apply to a variety of parent functions, watch this video.
    • Required: Complete this Desmos activity to get practice with finding the relationship between a function transformation and the corresponding changes to the graph. Feel free to work with another classmate.
  • Assessment 1 will cover Standards 2–4. It will be made available on 9/13 and will be due on 9/20.
    • Make sure you understand the definition of function that we discussed in class on Monday August 30. Do you know what is and what is not a function? This Desmos activity may be helpful to understand the concept of a function more completely, which will be helpful for Standard 2.
    • You may find these Parent function flashcards helpful when studying for Standard 3.
    • Complete these Comprehension Questions about transformations. These are similar to what will be asked during the assessment of Standard 4 and would be good to practice with a classmate.
  • Go to our Campuswire community. Your task is to contribute to the class feed. Either ask a question about something we've discussed in class, something in the videos about transformations, or some part of the technology we've been using. OR, reply with an answer to someone else's question. To ask a question, click on the Blue + Sign at the top of the page, choose a relevant category, give a descriptive title, and explain your question.
In class:
  • Discussion of the questions you posted on Campuswire.
  • Making new functions from old functions: Operations: (+-×÷)
  • Absolute value of functions
  • Compositions of functions
  • y=f(x) vs. x=f(y)
Monday, September 20
Class on Monday 9/20 will be online in the same Zoom Room as before.
Before class:
  • There are two things to complete before class—Assessment 1 and starting to experiment for Project 1.
  • Complete Assessment 1 on Standards 2–4. Use a different piece of paper for each standard. Remember: I care much more that you are able to explain your own understanding than whether you provide the correct answer.
  • Next, submit your assessment through Gradescope.
    • First, go to and create an account. (Click "Sign Up", which takes you to the bottom of the screen; click "Student", and enter code ZR5BX3.)
    • Upload pictures of your work for each of Standards 2, 3, and 4.
  • I've recorded some videos about creating mathematical art using Desmos. Watch the first video. Here is the Desmos notebook from the video.
  • As a first step toward the artwork you will be creating for Project 1, it's time for YOU to do some experimenting with Desmos and share your discoveries with the class. (By the way, I highly recommend working together with classmates on these tasks!!! I understand that some people may find this assignment challenging, so it will be helpful to have input from someone else who is working on something similar, in order to ask each other questions as you go along.)
    • In addition to the list of parent functions we discussed, you may want to explore this this List of supported functions in Desmos, including arctan(x), sign(x), floor(x), x^(2/3), x^(-2), x!, the Normal Distribution, (ax+b)/(cx+d), and piecewise-defined functions.
    • You should explore what happens when you add or multiply two different functions together. For example, try out arctan(x)+sin(x) and x*floor(x). Then explore compositions of functions. For example, try out floor(4 sin(x)) and abs(10-abs(5-abs(x)))
    • Once you have a shape that works for you, save the notebook. You should be creating many different notebooks, one for each seed of an idea you wish to explore.
    • You should be expanding past your comfort zone. You have the permission to go wild! You have the permission to try something new. You have the permission to fail at what you are trying to do. Try to make something that looks awful. Try to make something that surprises you.
    • Share the most interesting example you were able to come up with in the Daily Question for September 20 on Campuswire. Make sure to include a screenshot alongside the link to your Desmos notebook.
  • Remember to sign up for office hours if you want to talk about concepts, homework, or your project.
In class:
  • Lists in Desmos
  • Using lists to create multiple curves.
  • Using colors in Desmos
  • Using lists to color multiple curves
  • Number patterns are also functions.
  • Discussion of the process of creating function based artwork.
Intentionality and Elements of Art
Wednesday, September 22
Class on Wednesday 9/22 will be online in the same Zoom Room as before.
Before class:
  • Here are two Desmos activities that encourage you to explore basic ways to assemble multiple copies of a function: Line Art and Parabola Art.
  • The second video in my playlist explains how you can go about experimenting with multiple copies of a function.
  • Now you try it. Start with the seeds of functions that you created for Monday's class or start new compositions in Desmos. Then use the algorithmic techniques that we discussed in class on Monday or are in the videos above to make multiple transformed copies of the same base function. Save the results in new Desmos notebooks. (You will be creating many different Desmos notebooks!)
  • Heads up: By Monday, your goal will be to draft five initial sketches that could form the basis for your final piece of art, so you should already be creating a few different sketches for today.
In class:
  • Groupwork about elements of art and mathematical functions.
Monday, September 27
Class on Monday 9/27 will be online in the same Zoom Room as before.
Before class:
  • Required Readings: Read these resources about the elements of art and design:
  • As you read through the list of different elements of art and principles of design that are assigned, contribute to the Daily Question for 9/27 on our Blackboard Discussion Board by sharing three different qualities that you are excited about exploring as you develop your own artwork. Expand on why they are exciting and share examples of artwork in the wild that has such qualities that you might try to emulate.
  • As a first step toward the artwork you will be submitting for Project 1, complete the following steps:
    • Your goal is to draft five different initial sketches that could form the basis for your final piece of art.
    • You can start these sketches on paper if you like, however it is very important that you work to translate your ideas into mathematical functions and display them in Desmos. You can build on the ideas you developed last week or start anew because you want to build on new ideas that you have had or you have seen others use.
    • You may find it helpful to think about the visual properties you are going for in your sketches, similar to the groupwork we did in class on Wednesday 9/22. Feel free to use the resources above to find some words to describe the properties that you want to explore. Write those words down so you can remember them later. (More words: HERE, HERE, HERE.)
    • You should use Desmos as a sketchpad. Start off with a parent function (or a couple), and use the techniques from class to modify and combine the functions to a desired shape and size.
    • Once you have an initial shape that works for you, save the notebook. You should be creating many different notebooks, one for each seed of the drawings you wish to explore.
    • Given this initial shape, start to introduce parameters that transform the initial shape, following the steps in the Youtube tutorial I posted before about using Desmos to create Mathematical Art.
    • Once you have tweaked your sketches sufficiently that you are happy that each sketch matches the idea you are aiming for, export the five sketches to five SVG files. (Here is a video that shows how: exporting your artwork to SVG.)
    • Go to our class Blackboard page and click on "Groups". You should be a member of a room that says "Project 1 Artwork Critique Group X" that matches the group you were in on Wednesday. Go into this group and click on "Group Discussion Board". There will be a forum there. Create a Thread that has your name as the Thread Subject. Post your five SVG files to this thread before class. I am expecting five draft artworks from every person, each with its own style. If for some reason you have fewer than five images, post the ones you DO have before class, and post the remaining ones later.
  • I highly recommend working together with classmates on these tasks. I understand that some people may find this assignment challenging, so it will be helpful to have input from someone else who is working on something similar, in order to ask each other questions as you go along.
  • Remember to sign up for office hours if you want to talk about concepts, homework, or your project.
In class:
  • Together we'll watch a short video about How to critique.
  • Artwork critiquing and refining.
Wednesday, September 29
Class on Wednesday 9/29 will be online in the same Zoom Room as before.
Before class:
  • After thinking about the five artworks you created and about the critiques from class on Wednesday, spend time to develop two of your artworks further. Modify your artwork as you see fit based on the new information about your pieces and what you learned from your classmates. You are permitted to start from scratch and / or incorporate new ideas that you learned this week. It is important to subject any completely new works to outside critiques (groupmates or family).
  • Read back over the Project 1 Expectations and Grading Rubric. Start adding content to your writeup, including the types of artistic qualities your piece has and the types of mathematics that you applied to create your work. I also suggest organizing your Desmos notebook.
  • Respond to the Daily Question for September 29 on our Blackboard Discussion Board with the most helpful critique you received during Monday's class.
In class:
  • In-class work day. You will share the development of your two artworks with your classmates, and Prof. Hanusa will come around and answer questions that you have.
  • Come up with a plan to meet with a partner for the peer review day.
Monday, October 4
Class on Monday 10/4 is IN PERSON! See details posted on Blackboard.
Make sure to give yourself extra time to get on campus, into the library, and to find our classroom so we can be ready to start at 11:45am 10:45am.
Before class:
  • If you have not yet shared any drafts of your artwork with your groupmates, (or have made big changes to something they have seen before), share your work and get some feedback.
  • After sitting with each of your two developed pieces of art for some time, choose one of the two artworks to be the piece you will finalize and submit as the deliverable for your first project.
  • Improve this artwork by modifying parameters, chaning colors, or including additional features to finalize it.
  • Make sure you remove the grid lines from your artwork so it only has a white background.
  • Complete and organize your Desmos notebook, export your artwork to SVG, and complete your one-to-two page writeup. They should be in a final form. Print out your artwork and your writeup and bring them to class.
In class:
  • Get to meet each other in person!
  • No later than Monday night: Complete this peer review form, request a copy of your submission by email, and forward this email to your partner. (When you submit the form, the submission goes to me—I am verifying that everyone is providing and receiving constructive and usable comments. You must forward your confirmation email to your partner.) Determine a good time to meet (virtually) on Monday to give oral feedback about their work.
Wednesday, October 6
Before class:
In class:
  • The unit circle and a taste of trigonometry
  • Sine, Cosine, Tangent functions
  • Period of trigonometric functions, the tangent function
  • Transformations of trigonometric functions
No class on Monday, October 11
Wednesday, October 13
Before class:
In class:
  • Etch-a-sketch (Video about Drawing a circle.)
  • Vectors
  • What are parametric functions? (x(t),y(t))
  • Translations of parametric functions (p(t)+h,q(t)+k)
  • Circle, Ellipse, Lissajous
  • Simple transformations of parametric functions (Reflections and Dilations) (a p(t)+h,b q(t)+k)
  • Parametric functions in Desmos
Monday, October 18
Before class:
In class:
  • Discussion of the examples from the homework
  • The domain of the parameter
  • Reflections of parametric functions (a p(t)+h,b q(t)+k)
  • Parametric Equations for Lines
  • Expanding the domain beyond [0,1]
  • Linear Interpolations of functions
  • Discussion about Standards and Assessments
Wednesday, October 20
Before class:
  • Use parametric equations to create:
    • Reflect about both the x- and y-axes the curve traced out with the parametric equations (4t2,(t-1)3) for -1≤t≤1.
    • A line segment connecting (-4,2) and (5,-3).
    • Create a linear interpolation between the two curves (cos(t),sin(t)) and (2cos(t),2sin(t)) for a domain of t not equal to [0,1].
  • Go to Gradescope and look at the comments I left you on Assessment 1. If you have any score less than "3", figure out what went wrong. If you're not sure what went wrong, make sure you take at least 10 minutes to read the question to yourself and review your notes and try to revise your work. It is possible that you still have questions about the content. Think carefully and come up with a very specific question that you would like to have answered. Furthermore, take a look at Assessment 2 (which will be due Monday, October 25) and see where your main concerns are. Before you go to bed on Tuesday night, submit (at least) one well-thought-out question here and we will discuss many of them in class.
In class:
  • Discussion of the examples from the homework
  • Discussion of Standards 2–4 (Review of Assessment 1)
  • Discussion of Standards 5–7 (Preview of Assessment 2)
Monday, October 25
Before class:
  • Complete Assessment 2 on Standards 5–7. Use a different piece of paper for each standard. Remember: I care much more that you are able to explain your own understanding than whether you provide the correct answer.
  • Next, submit your assessment through
  • Also feel free to revise and resubmit solutions to Standards 2 through 4.
  • Remember to sign up for office hours if you want to talk about concepts, homework, or the assessment.
In class:
  • Adding vectors
  • Rotating vectors
  • Parametric functions for y=f(x) and x=f(y).
  • Rotating functions
  • Blue Point Rule discussion
Wednesday, October 27
Before class:
  • Reminder: Turn in your resubmissions of Standards 2, 3, and 4 on Gradescope if you want to improve your scores.
  • Complete this Desmos activity on transformations of parametric functions.
  • This Desmos activity can require extra thought. Meet for one hour outside of classtime with at least one other classmate to work on it. Your goal is to make sure you are able to complete this Desmos activity and are comfortable with parametric functions as we've been discussing in class.
    Also make sure to take some time to check in with each other and see how this semester at Queens College is going for you. Talk about what sorts of study techniques or organization has been especially helpful for you to stay on track. (Here is a list of techniques you may have tried.)
    Type up one paragraph (5–7 sentences) about what has been working well (or not) for you and a new study technique that you are going to try for the rest of the semester. Submit your paragraph and the name of the person you met with and it will count toward your class participation grade for the second part of the semester.
  • Feel free to ask a Question on our Blackboard Discussion Board if there are some parts of the Desmos activity that are difficult for you and your classmate(s).
In class:
  • Blue Point Rule discussion
  • Project 2 discussion
Monday, November 1
Before class:
  • Revise and resubmit solutions to Standards on Gradescope.
  • If you have not made an appointment to visit the QC Makerspace, visit no later than Wednesday before class.
  • Use parametric equations to create:
    • Create a linear interpolation between sin(x) and cos(x) for -π/2 < x < π/2.
    • Rotate the curve y=|x-2|+2 about the origin by the angle π/8.
    • Create many different rotations of the curve y=|x-2|+2 about the origin to make a pattern.
In class:
  • Groupwork: Hands-on practice with rotations of functions.
Wednesday, November 3
Before class:
  • Read the information about Project 2.
  • Start exploring artistically the concepts of linear interpolation and rotations of functions. Come up with at least one of each. Then post your favorite on Blackboard Discussion Board for today's Daily Question. If you are having difficulties, make sure to ask your classmates, come to office hours, or post a question on the Discussion Board.
In class:
  • Discussion of submitted function rotation graphs.
  • Groupwork: Hands-on practice with linear interpolations.
Monday, November 8
Before class:
  • We are now going to focus our work on Project 2. As explained on the website, you should now understand parametric functions, using Desmos to graph them, basic transformations of parametric functions, rotations of parametric functions, linear interpolations, incorporating lists, and modifying the color scheme of your work.
  • Ask a question about the above topics on Blackboard as Daily Question Part 1.
  • Start exploring artistically linear interpolation of parametric functions. Come up with at least one example. Post your favorite on Blackboard Discussion Board for today's Daily Question Part 2.
  • If you are having difficulties, make sure to ask your classmates, come to office hours, or post a question on the Discussion Board.
In class:
  • Discussion of submitted linear interpolation graphs.
  • Creating graphs from class prompts.
  • Start thinking about Project 2
Wednesday, November 10
Before class:
  • Explore parametric curves, linear interpolations, and rotations of functions.
  • Determine which artistic and design properties you want to develop in this project. Do you want to further investigate the same artistic and design properties you explored in Project 1? Or do you want to explore another aspect of art? Start implementing these properties in Desmos.
In class:
  • Project 2 in-class work day
Monday, November 15
Before class:
  • Just as we did for Project 1, create five initial sketches in Desmos that you will share for an in-class critique.
  • You will be creating multiple Desmos notebooks, one for each seed of the drawings you wish to explore.
  • Once you have tweaked your sketches sufficiently that you are happy that each sketch matches the idea you are aiming for, export the five sketches to five SVG files. (Reminder: Video from earlier about exporting your artwork to SVG.)
  • Share your artwork on Blackboard. I am expecting five draft artworks from every person, each with its own style. If you end up with fewer than five, post the ones you have before class, and post the remaining ones later.
In class:
  • Discussion of the process of creating function based artwork.
  • Artwork critiquing and refining.
  • Plan to meet with a partner for peer review day.
Wednesday, November 17
Before class:
  • Finalize your artwork for Project 2:
    • After thinking about the five artworks you created and about the critiques from class on Monday, spend time to develop two of your artworks further. Modify your artwork as you see fit based on the new information about your pieces and what you learned from your classmates. You are permitted to start from scratch, but if you do that, make sure you also subject your new works to outside critiques (classmates or family).
    • After sitting with each piece for some time, choose one of the two artworks you developed to be the piece you will submit for your first project.
    • Spend some time to finalize the parameters of that one piece. Make sure you remove the grid lines from your artwork so it only has a white background.
  • Complete and organize your Desmos notebook, export your artwork to SVG, and complete your writeup. They should be in a final form. Send the files to your peer review partner(s) no later than Wednesday before class.
  • No later than Thursday night: Complete this peer review form, request a copy of your submission by email, and forward this email to your partner. (When you submit the form, the submission goes to me—I am verifying that everyone is providing and receiving constructive and usable comments. You must forward your confirmation email to your partner.) Determine a good time to meet to give oral feedback about their work.
In class:
  • Today's class time is asynchronous. We will not be meeting in person and there is no formal class time.
Monday, November 22
Before class:
In class:
  • Discussion about the rest of the semester
  • Visiting the Makerspace
  • Planning to use the Makerspace
  • Portfolio
Wednesday, November 24
Before class:
  • If you did not yet do so, schedule an orientation with the Makerspace.
  • Determine which machine you would like to work with.
    • Do you want to use the AxiDraw and create a pen plot of your artwork?
      • You will learn how to use Inkscape software.
    • Do you want to use the Sewing machine and create an embroidery of your artwork?
    • Do you want to use the Laser Cutter and create an engraving of your artwork? Or a cardboard bowl?
      • You will learn how to use Adobe Illustrator software. (Free license for QC students.)
      • You will need to have additional orientation at the Makerspace to be able to use the laser cutter.
    • Do you want to use the 3D printer and create a 3D sculpture from your artwork?
      • You will learn how to use Tinkercad to make a 3D model from your 2D image.
      • You will learn how to use Ultimaker Cura to slice your 3D model so that it is 3D printable.
  • Determine which design you would like to bring to life and make sure it will work with the machine you would like to use.
In class:
  • Make a plan about bringing your work to life, discuss and work with fellow classmates working on the same machine.
Monday, November 30
Before class:
  • Determine the artwork you want to bring to life and import it into the software.
In class:
  • Working in the computer lab and the Makerspace to bring your artwork to life.
  • Figuring out any issues.
Wednesday, December 1
Before class:
  • Refine your work and obtain any necessary items or skills in preparation for class today.
In class:
  • Working in the computer lab and the Makerspace to bring your artwork to life.
  • You should have worked out all the kinks in the workflow.
Monday, December 6
Before class:
  • Read the description about the Portfolio on our Course Projects page.
  • Finish assembling the images that you intend to include in your portfolio and uploading them to your digital portfolio site. See above for details.
  • Start organizing your images and writing text to put your images into context. Make sure to address how you have developed as a mathematician, a programmer, and as an artist over the semester.
  • Bring what you were able to accomplish to class on Wednesday and be ready to share and discuss with your classmates.
In class:
  • Discussion about portfolio difficulties
  • Group discussion: Sharing the images you chose and brainstorming the commentary that you will be including in your portfolio.
Please fill out the college-wide course evaluations, distinct from any course evaluations that will be given out in class. Thank you for your feedback!